Auditory Consonant Trigrams Test Purchase

Several screening methods have been evaluated, but most of them are insensitive to MS-related cognitive impairment. The Auditory Consonant Trigram (ACT) test, which contains core features required for a working memory task, has been used to test neuro-cognitive function in different samples of patients to examine the status of working memory.

The California Consonant Test© (CCT) is considered a word recognition (or speech discrimination) test. It is a closed-set word recognition test. The patient is given a paper score sheet with four multiple choices per item. He or she is asked to check the item heard on the recording. Watch the video! (See below.)

  1. Auditory Consonant Trigrams 8. Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test 9. Cancellation Tests III. Boston Naming Test 11. Verbal Fluency Test IV. PERCEPTUAL ORGANIZATION: VISUOSPATIAL AND TACTILE 12. Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure 13. Hooper Visual Organization Test 14. Visual Form Discrimination Test 15. Judgement of Line Orientation.
  2. Auditory Consonant Trigrams Test Purchase Iina 1 0 36 Affinity Photo 1 8 14 Enolsoft Youtube Converter Hd 4 3 0 Utawarerumono Ps2 Iso Detective Conan Movie 6 The.
  3. Stroop Test: Victoria version, Golden version (1978; 1981) Regard & Golden IN Strauss, Sherman & Spreen (2006), pp. Verbal Fluency (Controlled Oral Word Association, Word Fluency, Letter Fluency, FAS-Test, Category Fluency, Phonemic Fluency, Semantic Fluency, Controlled Verbal Fluency, and Thurstone Word Fluency Test). (COWA; FAS-Test).

The California Consonant Test© is particularly sensitive to high frequency hearing loss and is, therefore, considered to be useful in hearing aid evaluations. The CCT consists of two 100-word lists. This test does not correlate highly with “phonetically balanced” word recognition tests such as the W-22 or NU-6, nor does it correlate with degree of hearing loss. Therefore, the CCT cannot be employed as a substitute for the more popular word recognition tests. Administration time is from 15-30 minutes.

The California Consonant Test© includes a) audio recording, and b) instructions and score forms as printable pdf files. The two-page instructions include information on development and interpretation. One-page patient instructions are also included.

©COPYRIGHT NOTICE: Auditec’s recordings are protected by copyright. One backup is permitted. Sharing, uploading to servers, publishing to the internet, and all other forms of distribution are prohibited. Email questions regarding copyright to

Available from Auditec, Inc.Use the “Buy Now” button below or call 1-800-669-9065 (from US) or 314-416-1050 (outside the US) to order.FREE shipping to contiguous US locations.

California Consonant Test© (CD Format); Item 119; Price $102.75 USD + S&H*

Auditory Consonant Trigrams Test Purchase


Auditory Consonant Trigrams Test Purchase Online

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