Borland C 5.02

Hey guys...

I have Borland C++ compiler with version 5.02.
The problem is that once I run the code, it makes and just flashes and disappears.
I mean, in a simple 'hello world program', the program just cout 'hello world' and closes itself.
I tried getch(); and it did work, but however I want it to stay open without any commands.
In my school, we have borland 4.98 in which we could type in the code and run it, and it just stays open until we close the window.
The hello world code is :

I have run it on my school computer (with borland v.4.98) and it stayed open without closing, but on my computer at home (with borland v.5.02), the program just flashes 'Hello world' and closes itself...

How to convert Borland C 5.02 project to Visual C 2010? How to be with Turbo C libraries in Visual C 2010 environment? If you mean binary libraries, they are not compatible in any way, shape or form. If you mean source code which calls functions in the Borland or Turbo C libraries then it depends.

Can you guys recommend what could be probably wrong with my computer, are there some special setting to borland which could enable them to stay on after the code is completed?
I want something permanent, unlike getch(); which i have to add after every code end...

Thank You!!

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  • commentLatest PostLatest Postby svn74

Recommended Answers

  • Well, Borland.had. a really good, free Integrated Developing Environment (IDE), with the compiler, for free. But now, they no longer give this out. However, you CAN still get copies of Borland C 5.02 (which is the last version, I believe, that had an IDE included for free). One place this is available is in the following kit.
  • INTRODUCTION I have used Borland C version 5.02 to code application development projects for small businesses in my local area for years. It is a very robust software platform and a cornerstone of these custom software engagements is the “Print Preview” feature.

After the cout (and add an << endl to the line), you need to pause the problem. Usually this is done by taking some input, such as a line like char avar; cin >> avar;. That should keep the window open until you hit the Enter key.

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rubberman1,355Nearly a Posting Virtuoso Featured Poster

After the cout (and add an << endl to the line), you need to pause the problem. Usually this is done by taking some input, such as a line like char avar; cin >> avar;. That should keep the window open until you hit the Enter key.

Files generated by Borland C++ version 5.02

When a source file is first compiled by the Borland C++ compiler ( version 5.02) several files are automatically generated in addition to the usual object file and executable file. Some of these files are big ( three files about half a meg each).

In order to avoid creating a mess we suggested the following procedure to Engineering 1 students:

  1. Create a folder on the desktop named conveniently ( say xxxxws , xxxx for user id ws for work space)

2) Activate Borland C++ . It may have one or more files in it from previous students.

  • Close these files
  • From file select >>new from new select >>text edit
  • enter your program .
  • using save as, save this new file in the WorkSpace folder you have created. Use the name xxxxpr1.cpp

Check to see that:

  • The directory of Borland C++ becomes the xxxxws folder.
  • During run several extra files are created there

(see notes below about these files).

  • The debugger window shows up appropriately
  • Clicking on the error has the effect of positioning the cursor to the error location.

Do whatever corrections / alterations / additions you have to do.

3) When you are done, copy your source file ( and perhaps your executable file) to a folder of your choice and then delete the Workspace folder. ( if in public, also empty the trash can).

Borland C 5.02 Descargar Gratis


An exercise for understanding the various files created during run in Borland C++ 5.02

( please note that this discussion is different for Borland C++ 5.00)

The run command consists of compile + make + build + execute

The following files are created when we save and run a file:


Files generated


C++ source file ( .cpp ), back_up file (.bak)

Compile - make

TDS, Intermediate ( .obj) , Application ( .exe), bcwf.csm ( this is a large file )


ILC, ILD, ( these are small files)

ILF, ILS ( large: about 0.5 MB each)

Borland C++ 5.02 Download Free

The creation of CSM file can be prevented by selecting

Options-project-compiler-precompiled_headers and then choosing do_not_generate_or_use

Borland C 5.02 Free Download


The files ILC, ILD, ILF, ILS are generated only the first time a project is build. After that they are not generated, making the run of modified files much faster than the first one. This is still true even when the file is modified and saved in another folder ( but with the same name). However, even an unmodified program saved under a different name will generate its own extra files ( with an additional 1.5 MB).

The following steps may clarify some of these issues:

Borland C++ 5.02 Download Free Windows 10

  1. Activate C++ as mentioned earlier, create a program and save it in a folder on the desktop
  2. Select the NO CSM option as indicated above and run the program.
  3. Check the folder. You must have the .cpp, .obj, .exe, .tds, .bak, .ils, .ilc, .ilf, .ild files.
  4. Make several changes to your code save the modified file( under the same name) using save and run it again.
  5. Check the folder again. You should see that only the .exe, .cpp, .tds, .obj, and possibly .bak have been updated.
  6. Save the file with the same name but in a different folder. Run again. Check the new folder.
  7. Check the time stamp on the .tds file in the first folder.