Brookstone Message Fan Software

Is your projector overheating? This is a common projection concern and complication; there are several key factors to consider as to why your projector is currently or may overheat. Projectors are highly sophisticated electronic devices that have come so far in the last 10 years and even further everyday it seems; with projector companies out performing each other and lowering costs, increasing features and usability.

NOTE: This app can only be used with the Picture Fan available exclusively at Brookstone stores and Upload color photos and custom messages to the Picture Fan from your Bluetooth.

Brookstone Led Message Fan Software

  1. Getting Live Assistance. In light of the coronavirus, the majority of our staff are working from home as our employees' health and safety is a top priority. To better serve you, we encourage you to contact us by email. Our email address is We appreciate your patience and understanding.
  2. Keeps you cool, and sends a message too. Our Message Fan with Floating LED Display is simply the coolest way to send a message. Its wide, triple-blade design blows big air for such a compact fan, and the large, easy-to-read LED text seems to float in air. Customize your messages (up to 20 characters) and colors using the included software for PC.

However one fact still remains – projectors run hot; 98% of projectors on the market ( LCD, DLP, etc. ) currently use traditional lamps and bulbs as their light engine. These bulbs produce a tremendous amount of heat and can easily reach temperatures of 200-300 degrees while in operation. It is very critical that you maintain a clear space around the projector so that you do not restrict or even limit the airflow into the projector or there is a very good chance your projector will keep overheating. Projectors require two very important basic needs; steady supply of fresh clean power and air supply.

Power is the easy one of the two requirements and is easily obtain more often than not; however there have been several recent studies that have shown an increase in premature projector failure due to improper power supply. Inconsistent power that is not stable or clean to the projector resulting in drastically reduced bulb life and the projector overheating. This can easily be solved in most cases with an accessory item that will clean up that dirty power and provide consistent clean power to your projector.

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Brookstone Message Fan Software Download

Clean Fresh Air is the second requirement because without the power you won’t need the air; however without the fresh clean air your projector can literally be overheating and shutdown in as little as a minute or two. Projector bulbs operate at extremely hot temperatures and must be kept cool to avoid overheating which will cause one of two things to happen; the projector overheating will shut down unexpectedly and if this is a consistent problem will cause the bulb to physically explode. How can you avoid this situation or even eliminate the possibility all together?

Brookstone Message Fan Software Download

Be sure to keep the area around the projector clean and free from clutter and any items piled around it; the fans in the projector are specifically designed to cool that unit at its operating temperatures. If you restrict or block airflow the airflow sometimes even in the least bit it will result in overheating and an unplanned shutdown, warning message or premature bulb failure.